电影 · 1966 · 日本 · 剧情片,剧情
浪速大学医学部第一外科的东贞藏教授(东野英治郎 饰)退休在即,拥有出色手术技巧且在医护工作者中享有极高人气的副教授财前五郎(田宫二郎 饰)是下一任教授的最有力候选人。出身贫寒的财前对名利有着超乎常人的野心,却也因此招至了东教授的不满。为了阻挡财前的步伐,东策划在全国范围内选拔继任者。感受到莫大压力的财前,在岳父财前又一(石山健二郎 饰)及大阪市北区医师会强大财力支持下,火力全开对教授职位进行搏命狙击。与此同时,一名胃癌患者交到财前手中。但是热衷名利之争的财前罔顾同期里见修二(田村高广 饰)的建议,自顾自进行了手术,最终将自己卷入医疗事故的漩涡之中…… 本片根据山崎丰子的同名原作改编。…
电影 · 1974 · 日本 · 喜剧片,喜剧
《男人之苦》第14集,寅次郎(渥美清飾)未婚產子?背著BB回到了東京柴又老家?正當大家決定替寅把寶寶撫養成人之際,才得知這是寅在路上拾回來的棄嬰!寅不是生父,也當然不盡父職,終日百無聊賴,寶寶的事全拜託嬸嬸和妹妹阿櫻……直至美女護士京子(十朱幸代飾)的出現,他才積極表現父愛,還打算參加京子的工餘合唱團,以親近對方。誰知寅就在這兒遇上情敵!那滿面鬍鬚的窮光蛋指揮,原來才是京子的最愛! The fourteenth instalment in the Tora-san series. Tora-san has an illegitimate child? To everyone is surprise, he brought a child back to Shibamata. When everyone in his family decides to raise the child as a family member, they find that he was only an abandoned child that Tora-san found on the street! At first, Tora-san has no interest in taking care of the child and he lets his auntie and sister, Sakura, to do the job instead... until he meets the beautiful nurse Kyoko (Toake Yukiyo). He tries all the ways he could, including taking good care of the child, in order to get her attention. However, a bearded poor conductor in Kyoko is choir stands in the way.…