电影 · 1945 · 美国 · 喜剧片,喜剧,爱情,歌舞
约瑟夫(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)是一名海军士兵,一场意外中,他救了一个名为克莱斯(弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra 饰)的男人。约瑟夫的英勇壮举让他得到了为期四天的休假,这也就意味着,约瑟夫终于可以前往好莱坞,去见一见在那里的阔别已久的女朋友了。 约瑟夫想要和女友享受一段甜蜜的二人时光,可克莱斯却死皮赖脸的跟在他的身边,这让约瑟夫感到十分抓狂。无家可归的小男孩丹恩的出现缓和了两人之间的气氛,渐渐的,约瑟夫和克莱斯成为了挚友。某日,克莱斯在一家夜总会里邂逅了在那里卖唱的歌女苏珊(凯瑟琳·格雷森 Kathryn Grayson 饰),他坠入了情网。无奈苏珊却看上了英俊高大的约瑟夫。…
电影 · 1949 · 美国 · 剧情片,剧情,悬疑,惊悚
Righteous district attorney Joseph Foster's main goal in life is to rid his city of the gangsters infesting it. In order to be even more efficient in his war against crime he plans to run for governor. One day he meets a strange, shadowy man, Nick Beal, who offers to help him to achieve his end. Beal convinces hesitating Foster by dint of easy money, easy sex with an alluring young woman and the promise of easy success. Joseph Foster soon becomes an influential politician but a corrupt one. A minister of God manages to show him that he has been the plaything of the so-called Nick Beal, who might be "Old Nick" , that is to say Satan himself. Foster then decides to resign and to become an honest man again.…