电视剧 · 2008 · 英国 · 欧美剧,剧情,喜剧,恐怖,奇幻
故事讲述两个在当代具有超自然能力的人“乔治”和“米歇尔”。在当地一个不知名的医院里做苦工,他们生活绝望-因为米歇尔是吸血鬼,乔治是狼人。他们决定改过自新,住在了一起才发现,一个女鬼(Annie)死于神秘的情况并且经常闹鬼。在这个一个对两个人的竞赛中(Threesome 有三人一组或者一人对抗两人的意思,这里应该指安妮女鬼和乔治米歇尔搭档),他们与超自然生物对抗,希望通过这样的生活方式与他们的邻居-人类相处。 Contemporary Supernatural Drama About George And Mitchell, A Pair Of Perennial Outsiders. Working In The Anonymous Drudgery Of The Local Hospital, They Live Lives Of Quiet Desperation - Because Mitchell Is A Vampire And George Is A Werewolf. Deciding To Turn Over A New Leaf, They Move Into A House Together, Only To Find That It Is Haunted By Annie, The Ghost Of A Woman Killed In Mysterious Circumstances. As A Threesome, They Deal With The Challenges Of Being Supernatural Creatures, Bonded By Their Desire To Adopt The Lifestyle Of Their Neighbours - Humanity.…
电视剧 · 2012 · 英国 · 欧美剧,剧情,喜剧,恐怖,奇幻
Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. George dies while rescuing Eve, leaving her in the custody of Tom (who moves into Honolulu Heights) and Annie. Hal later turns up and becomes the new vampire at Honolulu Heights. Lawyer Nick Cutler, a vampire created by Hal in 1950, plans to expose werewolves as part of a larger plan involving a vampire conquest of Earth. Cutler tries to get Hal back to his old ways of drinking blood and eventually succeeds in breaking Hal down. The blood sends Hal into overdrive and he repulses Alex, whom he is dating, with his crude and unusual behaviour when they meet for a second date. Alex leaves angrily but is followed by one of Cutler's men. Meanwhile, Eve, from the future, reveals to Annie that in her future, most of humankind are dead or living in concentration camps and vampires now rule every
电视剧 · 2020 · 美国 · 欧美剧
斯嘉丽小姐和公爵第一季剧情:Eliza Scarlet与苏格兰场督察联手解决了19世纪伦敦的犯罪问题。在这个男人的世界中,她需要一个伴侣。苏格兰场的侦探督察William Wellington,也被称为“The Duke”:酒鬼