解说 · 2024 · 西班牙 · 电影解说,剧情,动作,悬疑,惊悚
丈夫在一次奇怪的爆炸中死亡后,安帕罗开始在保安、前警察和酒鬼里奇的帮助下寻找答案。 与此同时,谋杀案总是遵循同样的模式:受害者烧焦的尸体旁边会出现一个库罗玩偶,它是1992年塞维利亚世博会的标志性吉祥物。…
电影 · 2001 · 西班牙 · 剧情片,剧情
西班牙近年最具写实震撼力的家庭暴力电影,以倒叙形式纪录夫妻由一见钟情变成拳头怨侣的痛爱过程。一次比一次的残酷暴力,震撼人心。已说不清当初一见锺情的模样,只记起第一次的争吵,第一次出手伤人。妻子因循保守的家庭教养,以为哑忍了事却只换来更残苛的暴力。 和所有隐藏着暴力的家庭一样,Angela和Joaquin最初也曾经是令人羡慕的一对,他们通过工作关系而认识,一见钟情,很快举行婚礼。他们第一次吵架是因为Angela在怀孕期间抽烟,Joaquin第一次出手伤人也是因为Angela的抽烟,然后是更多的吵架,更多地打人,和转瞬即忘的忏悔。当然到后来,Joaquin打妻子的理由已经越来越多了:偷看Angela大学朋友的来信而吃醋,因为Angela不想与他做爱而恼羞成怒,凡此种种。 Angela 也没有更多地选择,因为在西班牙的法律中,Joaquin的惩罚最多只是被罚款20000元或者监禁5个小时,然后Angela将面临更多的骚扰和暴力。 Joaquin唯一只能做的是逃避,逃避不了的时候承受,以及发出“这是种什么该死的正义啊?”这样的疑问。 结局是令人心酸的。在最后一次 Joaquin对Angela的施暴中,Angela终于奋起还击,将丈夫五花大绑捆在椅子上,痛痛快快地发泄了一顿。Joaquin挣脱了捆绑, Angela的朋友及时出现,混乱中朋友手里的枪响了……最后Joaquin被送进了医院,成了植物人;而Angela则生下了两人的第二个孩子。…
解说 · 2021 · 西班牙 · 电影解说,悬疑,惊悚,犯罪
A Spanish swindler by the nickname of Xavier advises to invest in international movies, where they can easily erase the tracks and clean the spotted money. With this intention they arrive to Hollywood and settle there as big tycoons of show business. Xavier engages Sister (nickname) as secretary. Sister is insignificant in looks, but an expert in cinema. . Taking profit of her knowledge and know-how, Xavier engages the cheapest directors, ghost writers, qiwan.cc stand-in, stuntmen, featured players - who had been the traditional working basis for Hollywood grandeur. Xavier is well received at Beverly wild parties, where he starts the plots to swindle known distributors, TV stations executives, theatre owners.. Xavier hasn't got the slightest intention to produce films. He expects for great results in swindles and fleeing with the booty to Singapore. Sister does not agree with Bogus 'methods, but is seduced by his inexhaustible capacity for lie and deceit.…
解说 · 2022 · 其它 · 电影解说,剧情,动作,惊悚,犯罪
The Jesuit is the alias of a man who was wrongly accused and became imprisoned. When The Jesuit discovers that his wife has been murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he elaborates a complex and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the death of his deceased wife.…