解说 · 2007 · 美国 · 电影解说,动作,惊悚,犯罪
迈克(库尔特•拉塞尔饰)是一个经常与死神打交道的特技演员,久经刺激之后,他俨然成为一个变态杀人狂。一天,他穿上行头,照样开着那印有骷髅图案的汽车上路寻找猎物。在午夜酒吧,他接近了一些年轻女人(罗莎里奥•道森、范妮莎•费丽托、乔丹•莱德、罗丝•麦高恩等饰)。在喋喋不休的她们离开酒吧后,迈克展开了行动,那辆诡异的汽车,便是他的致命凶器。 一段时间后,李(玛丽•伊丽莎白•文斯蒂德饰)和她的朋友们(佐伊•贝尔等饰)结伴开车兜风,一路上有完没完地闲聊。此时脸上有疤,目露凶光的迈克又在暗处盯上了她们并一路跟踪,他还能继续可怕的疯狂杀戮吗?…
电影 · 1969 · 美国 · 喜剧片,喜剧,家庭
【电脑神童】的故事叙述有一位大学一年级学生 Dexter Riley ,他在一次拆开主机修学校电脑的时候却不慎触电,电流流入他的脑中,因此让他的脑意外成为一部电脑!从此他能快速思考难题,变成一位百问不倒的万事通,但是,学校电脑里的所有资料都存入他的脑海里了,包括每次考试的考题和标准答案,这一点让校方大为震惊,更不堪设想的,原本秘密存在电脑的一些丑闻资料也都被 Dexter 得知,包括一位奸商 A. J. Arno 的不法作为,因此各路人马都想让秘密永远还是秘密,所以就千方百计想要把 Dexter 这部活电脑用各种方法给「format」掉……
电影 · 1972 · 美国 · 喜剧片,喜剧,科幻,家庭
Now You See Him, Now You Don't is a 1972 Walt Disney Productions film starring Kurt Russell as a chemistry student who accidentally discovers the secret to invisibility. It is the sequel to the 1969 film The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes and was followed by 1975's The Strongest Man in the World. Now You See Him, Now You Don't was the first Disney film to be shown on television in a two-hour time slot, in 1975.Previous television showings of Disney films had either shown them edited or split into two one-hour time slots. At Medfield College, science buff Dexter Riley and his friends, including Richard Schuyler and Debbie Dawson, eavesdrop via a hidden walkie-talkie on a board meeting led by Dean Eugene Higgins, discussing the small college's continuing precarious finances. Later that afternoon, Professor Lufkin shows Higgins around the science lab where Dexter is working on an experiment with invisibility and another student, Druffle, explores the flight of bumblebees.