电影 · 1947 · 美国 · 剧情片,剧情,黑色电影
A man (Young) comes round after a car accident, and realises that a perfect crime is now possible: any movie with this scene can't fail. From this halfway point, the anxious mood of this rare noir thriller thickens fast. Jane Greer and Susan Hayward in turn tempt Young (a spineless louse) from his rich wife (Johnson). We know he's wretched, but is he guilty of murder?…
电影 · 1950 · 美国 · 爱情片,剧情,爱情,悬疑,黑色电影
Ellen Foster(Betsy Drake 饰)在拜访姑妈的路上认识了建筑师Jeff Cohalan(Robert Young 饰),在与对方交往的过程中,她得知Jeff自从去年失去未婚妻后,性格就变得阴晴莫测,时而和颜悦色,时而冷漠阴郁,但最令她感到奇怪的是,他如同被厄运缠身般不断碰到各种坏事,先是身边种种心爱之物遭到破坏,接着工作上也不断出现差错,认为这些事情绝非偶然的Ellen在经过一系列调查后,发现基本每一件坏事其实都是人为所致,正在她好奇谁是凶手之时,Jeff的医生好友突然告诉她,Jeff极有可能已经患了妄想症,继续靠近Jeff她将面临生命危险。…