电影 · 1935 · 美国 · 恐怖片,悬疑,恐怖
Sir Karell Borotyn appears to have been killed by Count Mora, a vampire believed to haunt the local village. Now his daughter Irena is the count's next target. Enter Professor Zelen, an expert on vampires who's sent in to prevent her death. At the same time, secrets are revealed surrounding the circumstances of Sir Karell's death.…
电影 · 1935 · 英国 · 剧情片,剧情,悬疑,恐怖
《玛丽·塞利斯特的秘密》拥有很强的悬念性,画面真实自然,人物形象刻画入微。贯穿整部影片的悬念到最后才得以解开。导演以细致的人物心理刻画,使得这部经典影片即便在当今看来,也绝对让人匪夷所思! 玛丽·塞利斯特号商船满载货物准备离开纽约港前去意大利,船长本杰明要妻子萨拉一同前往,本杰明向萨拉描绘了大海的美丽,红色的黎明,成群的白帆和美妙的夜晚。本杰明的描绘彻底消除了萨拉对出海远行的恐惧。 另一只商船的吉姆船长也爱着萨拉,他和本杰明原是好友,因同时爱上萨拉而不欢而散。商船将要启航,水手不够,本杰明找吉姆帮忙,吉姆不怀好意的派人上了“玛丽”号,他要本杰明到不了目的地。船员安顿和“玛丽”号副船长威尔逊有过节,他也随同商船一起出发了。海上起了风暴,商船在暴风雨中飘摇,有船员葬身海底,安顿告诉萨拉,商船起航就潜藏着危险,注定有死亡,萨拉感到非常害怕,接着发生的事情更是令她心惊胆颤,船员一个接着一个被杀,死亡笼罩着“玛丽”号,本杰明船长和萨拉也失踪了,只有威尔逊和安顿活着。真相终于大白,这一切都是安顿为了报复造成的,安顿开枪打死了威尔逊,自己也神智不清的跳入大海。吉姆的商船发砚了在海上漂流的“玛丽”号,可是船在无人。…
电影 · 1932 · 美国 · 恐怖片,爱情,恐怖
Young couple Madeleine and Neil are coaxed by acquaintance Monsieur Beaumont to get married on his Haitian plantation. Beaumont's motives are purely selfish as he makes every attempt to convince the beautiful young girl to run away with him. For help Beaumont turns to the devious Legendre, a man who runs his mill by mind controlling people he has turned into zombies. After Beaumont uses Legendre's zombie potion on Madeleine, he is dissatisfied with her emotionless being and wants her to be changed back. Legendre has no intention of doing this and he drugs Beaumont as well to add to his zombie collection. Meanwhile, grieving 'widower' Neil is convinced by a local priest that Madeleine may still be alive and he seeks her out.…