电影 · 1970 · 其它 · 剧情片,剧情
Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’ The film takes youthful impetuousness and hatred of oppression as its subject and also ponders the cult of genius and sexual morals. Rainer Werner Fassbinder simultaneously plays both Baal and himself and is surrounded by many actors who were later to perform in his own films. After the film was broadcast on West German television, Brecht’s widow Helene Weigel prohibited any fu
电影 · 1982 · 其它 · 剧情片,剧情
曾经红极一时的荣耀早已经成为了过去,如今维洛妮卡(洛塞尔·泽希 Rosel Zech 饰)变成了无人理会的昨日黄花。体育新闻记者罗伯特(Hilmar Thate 饰)曾是维洛妮卡的粉丝,当他再次见到她时,罗伯特只看到了一个沉迷于酒精和麻醉药品的过气女伶,他决定帮助维洛妮卡。 维洛妮卡住在卡茨医生(Annemarie Düringer 饰)的诊所里,在那里,有许多和她一样落魄和可怜的人们,罗伯特发现,诊所的医生竟然利用自己的职位之便,为这些人们注射吗啡,以此为手段控制和勒索他们的钱财。罗伯特想要揭发这一罪行,却苦于找不到证据。维洛妮卡决定复出,然而,正是这个决定为维洛妮卡的死亡增加了最后的一枚砝码。…