解说 · 2024 · 其它 · 电影解说,剧情,悬疑,惊悚
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.…
电视剧 · 2024 · 意大利 · 欧美剧,剧情,悬疑,惊悚
Milan, 2030; where only eight years earlier the independent global spy agency Citadel was wiped out by Manticore, the powerful enemy syndicate that manipulates the world from the shadows. Since then, Diana Cavalieri (who is an undercover Citadel agent) is alone, trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When Diana finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, her only option is to trust the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani, heir of Manticore Italy, son to the head of the evil syndicate's Italian unit; who just so happens to be vying for Manticore's leadership against other European families.…
解说 · 2020 · 美国 · 电影解说,剧情,悬疑,惊悚,犯罪
Grace Sachs(Nicole Kidman饰)过着心目中理想的生活:Grace是位成功的心理治疗师,有着优秀的医生丈夫及在精英私立学校就读的儿子,而且她正准备出版一本两性议题书《You Should Have Known》,书中主要是斥责女人不听从自己直觉,没看出男伴所呈现的意思。 然而在出版前几周,一宗致死事件牵涉到突然失踪的丈夫,Grace这才发现自己生活出现巨大裂缝,而且过去早有先兆,只是她没听从自己直觉。而在事情被闹大后,女主得为了儿子放弃现在的生活。 Hugh Grant饰演Jonathan Sachs,他是位广受好评的儿科肿瘤医生,给人忠心丈夫及好爸爸的印象,但其实他失踪前早有不寻常的先兆。Noah Jupe饰演男女主的12岁儿子Henry Sachs。…