电影 · 2021 · 俄罗斯 · 剧情片,剧情
Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.…
电影 · 2023 · 俄罗斯 · 喜剧片,喜剧,悬疑
Moscow, 1902. The famous director Konstantin Stanislavsky, in search of inspiration for staging a new play, decides to get acquainted with the life of the city "bottom". He turns to Vladimir Gilyarovsky, a recognized expert on the Moscow slums, for help. Together they go to the legendary bandit Khitrovka and find themselves embroiled in the investigation of the murder of a mysterious local resident - an Indian Sikh with a dark past.…
解说 · 2024 · 英国 · 电影解说,剧情,悬疑,惊悚,恐怖,犯罪
★轟動全球!最炙手可熱的驚悚小說名家B.A.芭莉絲,《紐約時報》《今日美國》《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作家心理驚悚力作! ★出道即巔峰!B.A.芭莉絲繼暢銷出道作《關上門以後》榮獲最佳心理驚悚小說後,最扣人心弦的驚悚力作! ★改編自《紐約時報》暢銷冠軍小說《崩潰》,年度最扣人心弦的心理驚悚電影。 ★入選Bustle網站2017年最令人期待的驚悚小說! ★英、美Amazon書店、Goodreads書評網★★★★壓倒性好評! ★燒腦推理神作又一部,驚悚推理迷絕不容錯過的電影,精采程度更勝《鋒迴路轉》及《佈局》,故事百轉千迴讓你不到最後一刻無法猜出真相! ★當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,連自己都無法相信,你還能相信誰? 故事大綱 當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,你分得清楚,哪一個才是真的嗎? 一個下著滂沱大雨的夜晚,凱絲在參加完派對之後想要抄森林裡的近路回家,卻發現一輛汽車停在路邊,車上坐著一個女人。凱絲沒有下車查看,而是選擇直接離開,沒想到第二天看到新聞,這名擦肩而過的女子已經慘遭殺害,變成了冰冷的屍體。自從那個晚上以後,凱絲的精神狀況變得越來越差,奇怪的事也跟著一件一件發生,她不斷接到神秘的無聲電話、在晚上看到陌生男人的身影,她更感覺到似乎有人在暗處,正在監視她的一舉一動………
电影 · 2023 · 其它 · 战争片,剧情,惊悚,战争
In the chaotic days of the '89 Revolution, the city of Sibiu becomes the scene of a violent assault on a Police station that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, policemen, civilian protesters and representatives of the secret police. Following a desperate attempt to escape the siege, Police captain Viorel is captured by the army and accused of being a terrorist. 源自:https://tiff.ro/en/film/freedom-0…