解说 · 2004 · 加拿大 · 电影解说,喜剧
This movie will be dismissed for political reasons. There are a few laughs at the expense of characters that certain reviewers want to see only in an elevated light. But Intern Academy as a film improves as it goes along. The look is at first kind of washed out, but eventually there are some more pleasing sets. I had heard this was shot on video, but I could not tell as I watched it opening day. Purely, I supported it because Dave Thomas deserves a hit, and he has the same birthday as me. Also, I appreciate his critical views of the media in his interviews for this film. I do think that he miscast himself a little bit in this film. Although Danny is shown in his requisite sunglasses and banging a drum in one scene, he and Thomas should have switched characters. He might be more believable as a cold authority figure teaching students and rattling off lists of maladies, whereas Dave Thomas is best as kind of a weasel or prankster or buffoon - which is especially evident when he runs. D
电影 · 2017 · 美国 · 动作