电影 · 2017 · 其它 · 喜剧片,喜剧,家庭,儿童
帕特森一家住在动物园旁边,小帕特森跟幼儿园的小长颈鹿拉夫是最好的朋友,他们一同出生、一同长大、一起分享秘密。这天,帕特森和拉夫一起过完了4岁生日,帕特森即将迎来人生中很重要的一个转折:开始全新的幼儿园生活。帕特森非常兴奋,他以为会和自己的好朋友拉夫一起上幼儿园,然而幼儿园并不接受小长颈鹿。为了安慰无法一起上学的孤单好朋友,帕特森每天都要想尽办法,最后,帕特森想出了一个大胆计划,他要把拉夫偷偷带到学校去。 一场精心策划的“长颈鹿上学计”即将上演,在动物园小动物和幼儿园小朋友的帮助下,帕特森终于实现了和长颈鹿拉夫一起上学的心愿,拉夫也成为了幼儿园里最让人惊喜的临时学生。…
电影 · 2002 · 法国 · 剧情片,剧情
Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence. Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles. Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery. The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion. Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch. Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date. The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride. The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fanta