电影 · 2019 · 英国 · 记录片,纪录片,音乐,传记
讲述了比利·吉本斯、达斯迪·希尔和弗兰克·比尔德如何成为这个星球上最大、最受欢迎的乐队之一的故事,同时保持着超现实主义的神秘感,在乐队成立50年后仍然吸引着歌迷和旁观者。通过坦率的乐队采访、前所未见的档案、动画、名人粉丝的推荐(比利·鲍勃·桑顿、乔舒亚·霍姆斯等),以及专门为这部纪录片拍摄的传奇格鲁恩音乐厅(Gruene Hall)的一场私人演出,“那个小老乐队”的表演包罗万象,从荒谬到辛酸,从肮脏的德克萨斯州酒吧到MTV的英雄表演,都是为了庆祝这个出了名的私密,但比生命更重要的三人组合。片尾那支来自德州的小乐队揭开了一个非同寻常的故事,我们知道他们的形象,却不知道他们的故事。…
电视剧 · 2020 · 美国 · 欧美剧,喜剧
MP Cunningham and Jeremy Jackson’s new scripted comedy Agua Donkeys has landed at Quibi and will be released this spring. Inspired by the short film of the same name, Agua Donkeys will be produced by Funny or Die and nd 3 Arts Entertainment. In the new series where it’s always summer, MP (Cunningham) and Jer (Jackson) are employees at a pool cleaning company called Agua Donkeys. The duo chasing the perfect tan, the perfect vibe and the perfect mix of bromine and chlorine to service some of the “sickest” backyard pools in their Utah hometown. The series also features Baby Darrington, who plays their co-worker and mutual crush as well as Luke Jackson, who plays the owner of the titular pool company.…