电影 · 2006 · 其它 · 恐怖片,动作,惊悚,恐怖
In 1857, child murderer Andries Martiens, is sent into a mine as a punishment for his crimes. His punishment? He must detect dangerous methane leaks by setting them off...personally. On a ride home from a club, Kristel Lodema confronts tragedy with the sudden death of her father in a freak car accident. In a attempt to learn more about her recently deceased father she travels to Belgium with a group of friends, to pick up her father's last manuscript. Coincidentally, her father used to work in the same mine that Andries Martiens was executed in. The new tour guide convinces Kristel and her friends to go into the mine for a guided tour. A tour which unleashes a great evil and ends with many, many, grisly murders....including plenty decapitations! Slaughter Night is (as the name suggests) a slasher flick. In all honesty, the film is kinda like a combination of The Descent, and the original Evil Dead....although Slaughter Night isn't as good a film as either of those Horror cl
解说 · 2024 · 美国 · 电影解说,剧情,动作,惊悚
伊娃·格林将领衔主演新片[肮脏天使](Dirty Angels,暂译),这也是绿娃与[007:大战皇家赌场]导演马丁·坎贝尔时隔17年后再度携手合作。故事围绕2021年美国从阿富汗撤军展开,一群女兵冒充医疗救援人员,去营救被ISIS和塔利班夹在中间的被绑架青少年。…
电影 · 2019 · 法国 · 剧情片,悬疑
一位美國女性小說家在土耳其小島上被謀殺了!龜毛的媽寶警探從伊斯坦堡趕來調查案件。一 滴落在被害人左眼的血,成為破案關鍵。他急欲找出那滴血的擁有者,卻發現在這個家庭鏈結 統 緊密、堅持古老傳統、而且種族關係敏感的小島上,要驗個 DNA 都困難重重,顯然背後隱藏 中東 著巨大的祕密⋯⋯。 前作《公里歸零》成為首部入選坎城影展正式競賽的伊拉克電影,作品也多次入選柏林、盧卡 味福 諾、威尼斯等國際影展,辛納薩林姆以五○年代的偵探故事為本,以獨具風格的敘事手法,幽 爾 默諷刺土耳其與庫德族人的矛盾與衝突,以及深根於社會的性別歧視。但他故事說得漂亮,角 摩色個個瘋狂鮮明,對比強烈,充滿喜感,亦引人入勝。…