电影 · 2023 · 加拿大 · 剧情片,剧情
After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.…
解说 · 2022 · 其它 · 电影解说,剧情,惊悚
Based on a true story. 1996, open sea. During his shift on a transatlantic ship’s deck, Joel, a religious Filipino sailor, discovers Dumitru, a Romanian stowaway hidden between some containers. If he is spotted by the Taiwanese officers running the vessel, Dumitru is at risk to be thrown overboard. Joel decides to hide him, as a sign of his gratitude towards God. Soon, a dangerous cat and mouse game begins. When his crew, his own friends, even God itself start to turn their backs on him, Joel learns that he has to face his cruel destiny alone.…
电影 · 2017 · 法国 · 喜剧片,剧情,喜剧
唯唯諾諾、庸庸「魯魯」的無用中年賈克最近諸事不順,老婆突然抱怨自己對他過敏,孩子默不吭聲坐視老爹被掃地出門,工作還被年輕屁孩取代,銀行帳戶慘遭凍結,連用最後現金購買的狗兒都意外與他永別。當寵物床墊與犬訓課程成為他僅剩的資產和歸屬,在訓練師的權威喝斥之下,他竟然半推半就地服從起「坐下」、「趴下」及「起立」等指令,以職業家犬的身分開始了人生與事業的第二春⋯⋯。 曾以《寂寞心房客》驚豔坎城影展的作家導演山繆班傑奇再展細膩筆觸,改編自己的小說,以天馬行空的犀利筆觸狠剖現代社會的變態與疏離。找來《花神咖啡館》裡的堅毅慈母凡妮莎巴哈迪板起面孔,巧扮冷血狠妻,將可憐丈夫推入「狗」坑。衰尾主角的絕望處境在黑色幽默的濾鏡中映現出自我救贖與人性光暈,宛若法國版阿基郭利斯馬基。…