综艺 · 2022 · 美国 · 欧美综艺,真人秀
A festive holiday special, hosted by Tituss Burgess, featuring teams from around the world transported to a magical snowy village, Snowdome, and thrown into a spirited competition to compete for the title of Best in Snow. With the help of Snowdome's finest carvers, teams will transform their 10-foot, 20-ton blocks of snow into beautiful creations inspired by Pixar, Marvel, Walt Disney Animation, Walt Disney Studios and The Muppets Studio. The teams will take family favorites such as Moana, Coco and The Lion King, and bring the characters to life in a way you've never seen before in snow. Spectacular snow sculptures and lively musical performances from Tituss Burgess, Kermit the Frog and DCappella make this an action-packed winter event for the entire family.…
电影 · 2018 · 其它 · 剧情片,剧情,短片
Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong and masculine. One night they meet Maria, a breezy natural beauty. To show that he is a "real man", Diego, is ready to do anything, even to force himself to do things he would never have wanted to do. Written by The Open Reel…
电影 · 1957 · 美国 · 战争片,剧情,战争
1916年,第一次世界大战期间的法国,德法两军的战争如火如荼。值此关键时刻,法国陆军将军布洛拉德(Adolphe Menjou 饰)向陆军上尉达克斯(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)率领的部队下了一道命令:不惜一切代价攻下德军占领的安特山。军令如山,即使前方刀山火海,战士们仍拼死向前冲去。结局可想而知,在敌人密集的炮火下,法军冲锋失败,伤亡惨重。为了掩盖自己的指挥失误,布洛拉德抓捕三名无辜士兵作代罪羔羊,以临阵脱逃等罪名将他们判处死刑。为了士兵的利益,达克斯上尉奋力争取,却在这一过程中渐渐看清军官和战争的丑恶…… 本片根据汉弗雷·科比(Humphrey Cobb)1935年的小说《光荣之路》改编荣获1959年意大利国家影评人协会银带奖最佳外语片导演奖、1958年芬兰影艺学院奖最佳导演奖。…