解说 · 2010 · 西班牙 · 电影解说,惊悚,恐怖
朱莉娅和莎拉(Belen Rueda 分饰)是一对孪生姐妹,这对美丽的姐妹花正当盛年时却罹患功能退化症。1年前,莎拉的双目完全失明,而朱莉娅的视力也在渐渐减退。某个晦暗之夜,莎拉上吊自杀。冥冥中自有感应,朱莉娅心中备感不安,次日她和丈夫艾萨克(Lluis Homar 饰)驱车赶往妹妹的住所,等待他们的恰是难以置信的噩耗。然而种种迹象表明,莎拉似乎并非自杀身亡,她生前的最后一段时光仿佛有一个神秘的男子作陪。 朱莉娅尝试着追寻这些蛛丝马迹,她的举止令艾萨克甚为焦躁不安,而种种恐慌也让她的视力加速衰退。在黑暗即将降临的时刻,朱莉娅也隐约感知到一个来去无踪的男子时刻逡巡在自己的身旁………
解说 · 2012 · 其它 · 电影解说,剧情,传记
1960年,以色列宣布抓捕到前纳粹德国高官、素有“死刑执行者”之称的阿道夫·艾希曼,并于1961年在耶路撒冷进行审判。已在美国居住多年的著名犹太女哲学家汉娜·阿伦特(巴巴拉·苏科瓦 Barbara Sukowa 饰)受《纽约人》邀请为此次审判撰稿。当汉娜·阿伦特前往耶路撒冷观看审判后,却在艾希曼的阐述、民意和自己的哲学思考之间发现了分歧。当阿伦特将艾希曼当年的行为提高到哲学的高度,她的文章不出所料地引发了社会上的恶评和抨击,一些汉娜·阿伦特的老友甚至和她绝交反目。这个当年海德格尔门下最得意的女学生在急风骤雨中想全身而退,却发现一切都已经不像自己预计的那样简单。…
电影 · 2024 · 其它 · 剧情片,剧情
Tú me abrasas is an adaptation of “Sea Foam”, a chapter from Cesare Pavese’s “Dialoghi con Leucò” published in 1947. The ancient Greek poet Sappho and the nymph Britomartis meet beside the sea and have a conversation about love and death. Sappho is said to have thrown herself into the ocean from lovesickness. Britomartis apparently tumbled off a cliff and into the water while fleeing from a man. Together, the two discuss the stories and images that have emerged around them to try and understand, at least for a moment, the bittersweet nature of desire. The film adapts not only the text but also footnotes and gaps in the story. For example, the fact that, in 1950, a desperate Pavese committed suicide in a hotel room with this book by his side. Or that Sappho’s poems have survived only in fragments. Or that sea foam is historically and scientifically associated with fertility and bacteria, that is, with life itself. “Everything dies in the sea and comes back to life,” says Britomartis.