电影 · 2024 · 其它 · 剧情片,剧情,惊悚,家庭
A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly confined to bed. She also observes her grandmother's weird religious rituals, some involving a swimming pool in the basement. When the girl's father finds out that she is staying with his parents, he persuades his sister to visit the house to get her out, ending with a terrible tragedy. …
电影 · 2023 · 西班牙 · 剧情片,剧情
年轻人阿米德(阿米德柯曼尼Amid Keomany饰)正在照顾一位即将离世的老妇阿梦(席梦娜米拉万Simone Milavanh饰),他随身带着〈西藏度亡经〉,为她朗读典籍中生死奥秘,帮助她能顺利往生。阿梦的人生即将灭熄,阿米德的成年生活才正要开始,他乘着小舟顺着湄公河划行,遇到年少僧人毕恩(熊图莫Toumor Xiong饰)向他探询典籍奥秘,他于是随着这群僧侣,前往了川流之源…。 这时,坦尚尼亚东海岸的女孩接生了一头小山羊,并为它取名「妮玛」(祝福之意)。女孩和家人依海为生,妇女种植海带,男人捕鱼,万物自有循环,大自然有其自我更新的力量。…