电影 · 2024 · 西班牙 · 爱情片,爱情
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other. No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open? Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?…
电视剧 · 2024 · 其它 · 欧美剧,剧情,历史,奇幻
何塞·阿卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚和乌苏拉·伊瓜兰这对表兄妹不顾父母的反对结婚了,他们离开了村庄,踏上了寻找新家园的漫长旅程。在朋友和冒险家的陪伴下,他们最终在一条有史前石头的河岸旁建立了一座乌托邦小镇,并将其命名为马孔多。布恩迪亚家族的几代人将决定这座神话小镇的未来,他们饱受疯狂、不可能的爱情、血腥荒谬的战争以及对可怕诅咒的恐惧的折磨,而诅咒将让他们绝望地度过百年孤独。 《百年孤独》出版于1967年,是1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作之一。该书被誉为西班牙裔美国文学和世界文学的杰作,获得了广泛的好评,销量超过5000万册,被翻译成40多种语言。…