电影 · 1962 · 英国 · 恐怖片,恐怖
Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious and wicked persons, including some of his colleagues. Norman in principle does not have faith in her, but many strange events happen with him, and he changes his mind…
电影 · 2021 · 美国 · 记录片,纪录片
Talented, energetic, and full of joy, Rita Moreno has been dazzling audiences for over 70 years. Whether showcased on television, film, or stage, her artistry transcends singing, dancing, and acting, as she continuously reinvents herself and pushes creative limits. Moreno is a pioneer and one of the most authentic performers of our time, and she has the EGOT status to prove it.…
电影 · 2019 · 西班牙 · 喜剧片,喜剧,动画,冒险
贾斯帕(詹森·舒瓦兹曼饰)被认为是邮政学院最差的学生,他驻扎在北极圈内的一个冰冻岛屿上,那里的当地人之间几乎不交流,更不用说写信了。当贾斯帕准备放弃之时,他找到了自己的盟友阿尔娃(当地的一名教师,拉什达·琼斯饰),并发现了克劳斯(奥斯卡奖得主 J·K·西蒙斯饰),克劳斯是一个神秘的木匠,独自住在一个满是手工玩具的小屋里。这几段不可思议的友谊让斯密伦斯堡又重新充满了欢声笑语,创造出了新的故事,这里有慷慨的邻居、神奇的传说和小心翼翼挂在烟囱上的长袜。《克劳斯:圣诞节的秘密》是一部节日喜剧动画片,由《神偷奶爸》联合创剧人塞尔希奥·巴勃罗斯担任导演,由琼·库萨克、威尔·萨索和诺曼·麦克唐纳徳联袂主演。…
电影 · 1984 · 美国 · 科幻片,动作,科幻,家庭,奇幻,冒险
艾利克斯(兰斯·盖斯特 Lance Guest 饰)生活在一个特殊的家庭之中,头脑十分灵活的他是一名电子游戏高手,可是虽然在游戏世界里艾利克斯能够叱咤风云,但在现实中,他申请奖学金却遭到了学校的拒绝。 一天,艾利克斯遇见了一位自称为游戏公司制作人的神秘男子,就此接触到了名为“斗士”的游戏,在稀里糊涂之中,艾利克斯成为了一名斗士,并且学习了一系列的战斗技能。当艾利克斯回到家中后,震惊的发现自己的家园遭到了外星人的入侵,与此同时,在斗士的游戏世界中,他的同僚们也惨遭杀害。现在,艾利克斯是唯一一个能够抵挡外星人入侵的人了。…