电影 · 1962 · 其它 · 喜剧片,剧情,喜剧,犯罪
米兰的汽车厂车间主任尼奥(Alberto Sordi 饰)准备利用半个月的假期回西西里老家度假,临行前,他的上司托他给西西里的黑手党头目文森佐带一份礼品。尼奥与妻子玛塔踏上家乡的土地后兴奋莫名,他介绍自己庞大的家族给妻子认识,那些旧日朋友有些死于枪杀,有些正在牢里,还有极少数人因为背叛朋友而成为乡民眼中的行尸走肉,剩下来的那些相识则对尼奥的“米兰味”稍有提防。尼奥拜见文森佐,得到了这位黑帮老人的认可,曾经的战乱年代中,尼奥是文森佐的得力手下。玛塔用自己的努力得到了家人的认可,尼奥也找回了和家乡传统契合的心态。某天夜里,尼奥被父亲叫醒,受命执行一项黑手党的暗杀任务…… 本片获1963年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节金贝壳奖。…
电影 · 2019 · 俄罗斯 · 剧情片,剧情,同性
Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and—secretly—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, unspoken truths are uttered, intimacy is built, and authenticity is challenged. Although they may be far from the peering eyes of their oppressive society, their relationship teeters on a dangerous precipice. Selected and supported by the IFP Filmmaker Lab and destined to evoke both the breathtaking landscapes of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and the tragedy of a Dostoevsky novel, Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy’s auspicious debut drama is an elliptical and much-needed examination of internalized homophobia, repression, and identity in a remote Siberian town.…
电影 · 1961 · 其它 · 战争片,战争
In 1961, Stanislaw Rozewicz created the novella film "Birth Certificate" in cooperation with his brother, Taduesz Rozewicz as screenwriter. Such brother tandems are rare in the history of film but aside from family ties, Stanislaw (born in 1924) and Taduesz (born in 1921) were mutually bound by their love for the cinema. They were born and grew up in Radomsk, a small town which had "its madmen and its saints" and most importanly, the "Kinema" cinema, as Stanislaw recalls: for him cinema is "heaven, the whole world, enchantment". Tadeusz says he considers cinema both a charming market stall and a mysterious temple. "All this savage land has always attracted and fascinated me," he says. "I am devoured by cinema and I devour cinema; I'm a cinema eater." But Taduesz Rozewicz, an eminent writer, admits this unique form of cooperation was a problem to him: "It is the presence of the other person not only in the process of